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pro users and education users and home users would have been the only ones benefiting from major ui changes and no features removed, even add an ability to change the ui appearance like zorin os ,in settings with a windows 10 look, a windows 7 look, a default windows 11 look and a mac os look were there is a dock at the bottom and a status bar for time on top and access to the actions centre. hell even add windows 11 for devs, which has as much legacy support and features as necessary.

they will be known as those women who promoted an inconsistent operating system, i'm not being overy negative here, windows 11 is good, but what i can't stand is the inconsistency and laziness, not from the ui developers, those guys i respect because they spent hours and hours away from there homes and families and even risking relationships to provide us with good ui, but the head of ui development lacks vision and they need to be expelled form the tech industry, you are telling me this guy couldn't get heavy inspiration from mac os or linux and said yeah okay you know what, let me create something that people love, something that's the next genaration of windows, but he fell short.ĭon't even get me started with legacy and I.T, they should just create windows for Enterprise, were they are only old ui, and legacy components, which administrators can use that doesn't compromise on performance, then use something or create something like wine for those not on enterprise but on pro and home to emulate legacy apps without compromise to performance, that's how it should have been done. i feel so sorry for those women who had to showcase windows 11 at the surfece event, they had to put on a brave and pretentious look, come october 5th those women would have ruined there cv's. Microsoft needs strong leadership in the ui departement. Did you even see the surface event, they brough a differently abled person to advertise widnows 11, not once did they touch the file explorer, i feel ya, i know it's very upsetting and i'm sorry you had to feel that.